Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” - Maya Angelou
We often rock it at first; Acting like the coolest person they ever met
Then we throw ourselves away for a crumb, a text, or the need to be held through the night.
We climb onto the rollercoaster of other people’s lives.
‘They texted!’ and it feels life is complete.
They don’t text, and you want to crawl under a rock; you don’t matter to anyone.
It feels real, but it’s a mirage.
Your self-worth never depends on whether Mr/Ms. Hot-But-No-Doubt-Flawed Themselves has deigned to text you.
Get clear. What is the need that you’re looking for someone else to fulfill?
What emptiness do their texts really fill?
Not to party poop…but when life’s happiness depends on a text, we need to dig deeper and help you do the self-love thing.
Maybe you’re the one throwing the crumbs or driving the rollercoaster. Maybe you have a terror of intimacy?
Maybe you’ve spotted a Batso Crazy and aren’t quite sure how to say ‘Goodbye’ and run for the hills….
What stops you from establishing boundaries?
Ultimately, we must meet our needs. No one else can do it for us. Otherwise, we hand them the power over our lives.
It isn’t as hard as it sounds. Even after a lifetime of people-pleasing. We’ll unravel it!
Grab a pen and paper. Looking back over past relationships, what repeating themes and patterns have been present?
Do you always pick unavailable people? Unavailable in what way?
Are you afraid of commitment?
Do you seek people who have tons of energy and seem free, because you want to make your life more chill or exciting?
Look for patterns and become your own life detective. What’s really going on behind the scenes?
What need are your partners filling that you need to meet so that you stop throwing yourself away?

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” - Dolly Parton

Download Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee eBook
The world will put countless obstacles in your path but none will be as big as the ones you create for yourself. We call it, your own personal Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee.

Never make someone a priority when all you are to them is an option.” - Maya Angelou
Why do we throw ourselves away for a crumb of affection?
We often rock it at first; Acting like the coolest person they ever met
Then we throw ourselves away for a crumb, a text, or the need to be held through the night.
We climb onto the rollercoaster of other people’s lives.
‘They texted!’ and it feels life is complete.
They don’t text, and you want to crawl under a rock; you don’t matter to anyone.
It feels real, but it’s a mirage.
Your self-worth never depends on whether Mr/Ms. Hot-But-No-Doubt-Flawed Themselves has deigned to text you.
Get clear. What is the need that you’re looking for someone else to fulfill?
What emptiness do their texts really fill?
Not to party poop…but when life’s happiness depends on a text, we need to dig deeper and help you do the self-love thing.
Maybe you’re the one throwing the crumbs or driving the rollercoaster. Maybe you have a terror of intimacy?
Maybe you’ve spotted a Batso Crazy and aren’t quite sure how to say ‘Goodbye’ and run for the hills….
What stops you from establishing boundaries?
Ultimately, we must meet our needs. No one else can do it for us. Otherwise, we hand them the power over our lives.
It isn’t as hard as it sounds. Even after a lifetime of people-pleasing. We’ll unravel it!

Download Itty, Bitty, S!*tty Committee eBook
The world will put countless obstacles in your path but none will be as big as the ones you create for yourself. We call it, your own personal Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee.
We often rock it at first; Acting like the coolest person they ever met
Then we throw ourselves away for a crumb, a text, or the need to be held through the night.
We climb onto the rollercoaster of other people’s lives.
‘They texted!’ and it feels life is complete.
They don’t text, and you want to crawl under a rock; you don’t matter to anyone.
It feels real, but it’s a mirage.
Your self-worth never depends on whether Mr/Ms. Hot-But-No-Doubt-Flawed Themselves has deigned to text you.
Get clear. What is the need that you’re looking for someone else to fulfill?
What emptiness do their texts really fill?
Not to party poop…but when life’s happiness depends on a text, we need to dig deeper and help you do the self-love thing.
Maybe you’re the one throwing the crumbs or driving the rollercoaster. Maybe you have a terror of intimacy?
Maybe you’ve spotted a Batso Crazy and aren’t quite sure how to say ‘Goodbye’ and run for the hills….
What stops you from establishing boundaries?
Ultimately, we must meet our needs. No one else can do it for us. Otherwise, we hand them the power over our lives.
It isn’t as hard as it sounds. Even after a lifetime of people-pleasing. We’ll unravel it!

Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” - Dolly Parton
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