Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

There was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away” - The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald


  • The concept that ADHD is not a ‘disorder’, but a brilliant kind of difference.
  • There are a heightened sensitivity and awareness to so much, including one or more of the 5 senses: Hearing – Touch – Smell – Taste – Sight.
  • EMOTIONS: Super-sensitivity is always present. People with ADHD connect intensely with people, objects, and ideas. They feel things more deeply.
  • THERE ARE EXCITING PARTS TO ADHD: A deep sensitivity and awareness of the potential and wonders of life.


  • Innovators
  • Poets
  • Writers
  • Artists
  • Musicians
  • Rule breakers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Freethinkers
  • Renegades
  • World changers
  • Rebels
  • Geniuses
  • Those who fight for the things they believe
  • Those with a great sense of humor
  • Those who WANT to be around people (even though they may be isolated)

ADHD is where great gifts and talents are often found.This brilliance comes at the price of distraction chaos.


  • Some people are born with ADHD
  • In families, where one child has ADHD, there’s a 30-40% chance of a sibling having it, and a 45% chance of one parent having it. The chances of identical twins having it is 90%.
  • The brain is affected by the stress of increased awareness and sensitivity.


Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Know you’re unique, as well as struggling with extra sensitivities. Own both parts.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Accept, allow, and accommodate the areas where you’re sensitive (hearing, sight, touch, emotions, etc.), but don’t allow your sensitivities to control your life.

eg. If you struggle with focus, a decluttered environment and hanging around good people can make a big difference.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Manage your sensitivities with self-love and a sense of worth, rather than panic.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Know that you’ll always have heightened sensitivity. You’ll always see more of the potential of life than most, be more sensitive and get more overwhelmed than others. Be on top of your strengths so you can accentuate them, and identify your struggles, so you can manage them.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Inject humor and fun into all you do. Laughter really is the best medicine and brings perspective to intense emotion.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

When you focus on your strengths rather than your weakness everything changes!

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Treat yourself with extreme kindness and self-worth every day.


Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

List all the ways you’re unique and fabulous!

The big stuff, the small stuff, be as sensible and silly as you like

Write it ALL down!

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

List your struggles

Put A next to the ones everyone has.

Put B next to those which come from the heightened sensitivity and awareness of ADHD.

Pick 3 from each list and decide what action steps you can take now to diminish the struggle.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

Focusing on your personality assets

Fill one side of paper detailing what a fabulous life looks like.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

What are 3 things you can do today that will set your wildest dreams in motion?

Know that you’ll always have heightened sensitivity. You’ll always see more of the potential of life than most, be more sensitive and get more overwhelmed than others. Be on top of your strengths so you can accentuate them, and identify your struggles, so you can manage them.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

I am what I am, and I’m all that I am” - Popeye


We believe. the concept that ADHD is not a ‘disorder’, but a brilliant kind of difference.

THERE ARE EXCITING PARTS TO ADHD: A deep sensitivity and awareness of the potential and wonders of life.

ADHD is where great gifts and talents are often found. This brilliance comes at the
price of distraction chaos.



Download Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee eBook

The world will put countless obstacles in your path but none will be as big as the ones you create for yourself. We call it, your own personal Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee.

Grab Now
Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

There was something gorgeous about him, some heightened sensitivity to the promises of life, as if he were related to one of those intricate machines that register earthquakes ten thousand miles away” - The Great Gatsby, F Scott Fitzgerald


  • The concept that ADHD is not a ‘disorder’, but a brilliant kind of difference.
  • There are a heightened sensitivity and awareness to so much, including one or more of the 5 senses: Hearing – Touch – Smell – Taste – Sight.
  • EMOTIONS: Super-sensitivity is always present. People with ADHD connect intensely with people, objects, and ideas. They feel things more deeply.
  • THERE ARE EXCITING PARTS TO ADHD: A deep sensitivity and awareness of the potential and wonders of life.



We believe. the concept that ADHD is not a ‘disorder’, but a brilliant kind of difference.

THERE ARE EXCITING PARTS TO ADHD: A deep sensitivity and awareness of the potential and wonders of life.

ADHD is where great gifts and talents are often found. This brilliance comes at the
price of distraction chaos.



Download Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee eBook

The world will put countless obstacles in your path but none will be as big as the ones you create for yourself. We call it, your own personal Itty, Bitty, Sh!tty Committee.

Grab Now
  • Innovators
  • Poets
  • Writers
  • Artists
  • Musicians
  • Rule breakers
  • Entrepreneurs
  • Freethinkers
  • Comedians
  • Renegades
  • World changers
  • Rebels
  • Geniuses
  • Those who fight for the things they believe
  • Those with a great sense of humor
  • Those who WANT to be around people (even though they may be isolated)

ADHD is where great gifts &talents are often found.

This brilliance comes at theprice of distraction chaos.


  • Some people are born with ADHD
  • In families, where one child has ADHD, there’s a 30-40% chance of a sibling having it, and a 45% chance of one parent having it. The chances of identical twins having it is 90%.
  • The brain is affected by the stress of increased awareness and sensitivity.


Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Know you’re unique, as well as struggling with extra sensitivities. Own both parts.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Accept, allow, and accommodate the areas where you’re sensitive (hearing, sight, touch, emotions, etc.), but don’t allow your sensitivities to control your life.

eg. If you struggle with focus, a decluttered environment and hanging around good people can make a big difference.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Manage your sensitivities with self-love and a sense of worth, rather than panic.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Know that you’ll always have heightened sensitivity. You’ll always see more of the potential of life than most, be more sensitive and get more overwhelmed than others. Be on top of your strengths so you can accentuate them, and identify your struggles, so you can manage them.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Inject humor and fun into all you do. Laughter really is the best medicine and brings perspective to intense emotion.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

When you focus on your strengths rather than your weakness everything changes!

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

Treat yourself with extreme kindness and self-worth every day.


Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

List all the ways you’re unique and fabulous!

The big stuff, the small stuff, be as sensible and silly as you like

Write it ALL down!

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

List your struggles

Put A next to the ones everyone has.

Put B next to those which come from the heightened sensitivity and awareness of ADHD.

Pick 3 from each list and decide what action steps you can take now to diminish the struggle.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

Focusing on your personality assets

Fill one side of paper detailing what a fabulous life looks like.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Young Adult, ADHD Teen, ADHD Teenager

What are 3 things you can do today that will set your wildest dreams in motion?

Know that you’ll always have heightened sensitivity. You’ll always see more of the potential of life than most, be more sensitive and get more overwhelmed than others. Be on top of your strengths so you can accentuate them, and identify your struggles, so you can manage them.

Skye Baloo Carnegie, ADHD, Autism, HSP, ADHD Parent, ADHD Grandparent

I am what I am, and I’m all that I am” - Popeye
